söndag 19 augusti 2012

And so our story begins...

Why have I started this blogg?  Well the simple answer is that I think if I blogg about the changes I am making in my life then it will be harder to go back to the old days...It sounds more dramatic than it is, so I'll try to explain.  I have a typical family, a wife and two kids 7 and 5.  I work hard as an engineer and my wife commutes to Stockholm to work.  Life is busy and full of mundane chores, like cleaning shopping cooking, driving the kids around to swimming classes, sports stuff etc.. the usual.  The result though is that at the age of 41, my weight had been slowly creeping up year on year, I was getting no exercise (in fact I was getting aches and pains from the inactivity) and I was getting no time to myself.  That was the problem...but what to do about it.  A friend suggested it was just mid life crisis and I should either get a Harley of have an affair.  Neither of those choices really appealed, so being an engineer I broke the problem down into its parts.

The weight would be fixed by dieting and the exercise and lack of 'me time' by jogging....A cunning plan that cannot fail...